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We warmly invite everyone to participate in 15th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems (ICLS), The congress is organized by the Faculty of Engineering Management, Poznan University of Technolog and co-organized by the International Federation of Logistics & SCM Systems (IFLS).. It will take place on September 28th-29th.
More details https://icls.put.poznan.pl/
Join the event: https://fb.me/e/2E9zRxJh7
„Logistics and supply chain management challenges and opportunities in the COVID-19 World – Smart, agile and sustainable trends, methods and practices”
The International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems (ICLS) is organized by the International Federation of Logistics & SCM Systems (IFLS) and the Asia-Pacific regions Federation of Logistics & SCM Systems (APFLS). The first ICLS was initiated by Waseda University and held in Tokyo, Japan in 2004. To date, the congress has been held 14 times. ICLS is becoming the most influential meeting for Asia-based logistics and SCM. It aims to provide an international forum for leading academics, researchers and practitioners to discuss and exchange ideas on the latest developments and to seek opportunities for collaboration among the participants as well as to promote excellence in the field.
Instytut Logistyki i Magazynowania
- logistics and supply chain management in Pandemic and Post Pandemic applications,
- sustainability in logistics and supply chain management
- smart SC and logistics.