The teaching activity of the Department of Aviation Engineering is based on educating students in aviation specialties - piloting aircraft, aircraft engines and airframes.
Thanks to the involvement of the employees of the Department of Aviation Engineering, the Faculty of Environmental and Energy Engineering of the Poznań University of Technology received from the Civil Aviation Office a CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF A TRAINING ORGANIZATION IN THE FIELD OF TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE - PART - 147 no. PL. 147.0022. After completing their studies and passing modular exams, graduates of the SLiP specialization must complete a one-year internship to apply for an aircraft mechanic technician license in the B1.2 category. The training is conducted by experienced university staff specializing in fields directly related to aviation and related fields.
The Department cooperates with the Aviation Training Center of the Poznań University of Technology, which is a certified Aviation Training Organization established in 2014 PL/ATO-46 to enable aviation training for students specializing in Aircraft Piloting. Students' education in this specialization takes place within the Aviation field at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Transport of the Poznań University of Technology and is carried out in an integrated mode. The training lasts 3.5 years and consists of 750 hours of theoretical training and over 200 hours of training on aircraft and the FNPT II MCC training device.
Graduates receive the title of engineer specializing in Aircraft Piloting and a CPL(A) professional pilot license with the right to fly according to IR(A) instruments, to fly on a multi-engine ME airplane, training in preventing and recovering from crisis situations UPRT, as well as a cooperation course in a multi-person MCC crew, thanks to which they find employment, among others. as pilots in civil aviation.
The scientific and research activities of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering are based on both numerical and experimental experiments. Joint research and scientific work is carried out with centers of the broadly understood aviation industry (civilian and military centers). Research and scientific work is carried out in the areas of the construction of selected elements of aircraft airframes, power units, as well as in the field of improving the quality of airport surfaces.
In the era of new challenges related to emissions and the search for alternative sources of power for aircraft engines, the Department is conducting research on the use of fuel with a much smaller carbon footprint than the currently used fuel.